Hiker enjoy breathtaking sunrise next to water with reflection of the person in the water.

10 Ways To Practice Self-Reflection

Are you able to self-reflect instead of blaming external factors, when things go wrong? For example, if a project at work didn't go as planned, do you reflect on your own contributions, decision-making, and actions rather than pointing fingers at colleagues or circumstances?

Any personal growth requires mindful intention. Self-reflection is difficult because it requires letting go of our ego and examining the why behind our feelings and emotions.

While that may sound easy to do, having some methods to perform self-reflection effectively could help you achieve next-level success. 

Taking Accountability

Ponting fingers at individual
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Acknowledge mistakes without deflecting responsibility. If a relationship falters, own up to your role in the challenges rather than placing blame elsewhere. Recognizing your part in any situation is a powerful step toward personal growth.

Try this: the next time something doesn’t go as planned, resist the urge to externalize blame. Instead, take a moment for self-reflection. Ask yourself what actions or decisions you made that contributed to the outcome. Consider alternative approaches and identify lessons learned. This intentional self-examination fosters accountability, laying the foundation for continuous improvement and future success.

Learning From Setbacks

Girl working on learning new skills.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Speaking of lessons learned, instead of making excuses for failures, view them as opportunities to learn. If a business venture doesn't succeed, analyze what went wrong, understand the lessons, and use that knowledge to improve future endeavors.

My method: writing down what went wrong or how it made you feel can be a great way to organize the self-reflection efforts. Often, when something goes wrong, it's more than one thing. By putting it on paper or in a spreadsheet, you can really dig into the root cause of learning from those mistakes.

Proactive Problem Solving

Group working through problem together.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Self-reflection is often thought of as something done after the fact. But you can also look at what's in front of you, anticipating risks before they become issues. Often, identifying potential risks requires moments of self-reflection.

For example, asking questions like “Do we possess the necessary skills for the goal?” or “Can I meet the deadline?” is a self-reflective way to assess oneself and plan for the future.

Instead of dwelling on problems, focus on finding solutions. Take charge when faced with challenges at work or in personal life, and actively seek ways to overcome obstacles rather than making excuses for why they can't be resolved.

Effective Communication

Couple talking through conflict.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

In conflicts, express your feelings and concerns without blaming others. Use “I” statements to communicate your perspective, fostering a constructive dialogue rather than a blame game.

Besides using the “I” method, I also like to state out loud what I am hearing from others. This vocalizes my understanding of the situation and can often prevent conflicts. However, it takes a moment to reflect on what others stated and how you internalized it.

Setting Realistic Expectations

road sign stating reality check ahead.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Avoid setting unrealistic expectations and then making excuses when they aren't met. Instead, establish achievable goals, and if challenges arise, adapt your approach while taking responsibility for the necessary adjustments.

Again, to set achievable goals, one has to first take a moment to reflect on capabilities. The practice of taking time to consider what can actually be achieved is the practice of being realistic with oneself. 

Continuous Improvement

Group working with mentor to improve.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement. Rather than being complacent or making excuses for staying in your comfort zone, actively seek ways to enhance your skills and knowledge, contributing to your personal and professional development.

 Do we ever actually master anything? If we are honest with ourselves, an act that requires self-reflection, we know there is always room for improvement. Never stop growing and learning, and you will be practicing the art of self-reflection.


Woman sitting in nature meditating.
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Meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, is a powerful practice that invites individuals to cultivate a heightened awareness of the present moment. The essence of meditation lies in fostering a non-judgmental and accepting attitude towards thoughts and emotions, allowing them to surface and dissipate. Through consistent meditation, individuals can develop greater clarity of mind, enhanced emotional regulation, and a profound understanding of their inner landscape.

Try this: To incorporate mindfulness meditation into your routine, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Begin by sitting or lying down in a relaxed position. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath, observing its natural rhythm. Allow thoughts to come and go without attachment or judgment. If your mind wanders, gently redirect your focus to the breath. Start with short sessions and gradually extend the duration as you become more comfortable. Consistency is key, so aim for regular practice. Meditation apps or guided sessions can provide helpful support, especially for beginners. Over time, this practice can lead to a more centered and reflective state of mind, promoting mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Time Management

Women sitting at desk checking time on watch.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Take responsibility for how you use your time. Instead of making excuses for procrastination or lack of productivity, adopt effective time management strategies to ensure that each moment is utilized wisely and productively.

Try this: In manufacturing, we conduct time studies—clocking and recording specific actions. Whether in business or personal endeavors, noting your expectations and comparing them to reality can reveal insights into time management and prompt reflection on the underlying reasons. For the next effort you make, whether it's picking up groceries or going to the gym, record how long you actually spent on that activity and keep a record to compare and reflect upon. 

Nature Walks

Couple walking in nature.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Before you overlook the method, consider that this is one action that could encompass multiple benefits. Spending time in nature can serve as a catalyst for deep introspection. Immersing oneself in outdoor hobbies provides a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life, increasing your sense of calm. 

Practical Application: To harness the benefits of nature walks for self-reflection, carve out dedicated time in your schedule for regular time outdoors. We go after dinner, sometimes individually, sometimes as a family. During the walk, focus on being present in the moment—observe the sights, sounds, and sensations around you. Allow your mind to wander, contemplating your thoughts, feelings, and life experiences. Consider bringing a small notebook to jot down any reflections that arise during the walk. Engage in mindfulness by paying attention to your breath and the natural elements. This intentional connection with nature provides a rejuvenating space for introspection, fostering a sense of clarity and inner peace.


Women sitting outside writing in journal.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

I mentioned earlier the practice of writing down your setbacks and lessons learned. Mindful journaling is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your self-reflection process. 

Putting pen to paper allows you to focus on your thoughts and emotions, providing a tangible record of your journey. Incorporating journaling into your routine can be a practice, offering a dedicated space for introspection, goal setting, and personal growth. Take a few moments each day to reflect, and let your journal become a companion on your journey of self-discovery.

A Blueprint for Personal Growth and Success

Women with bike watching sunset over water.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Sometimes, we all need a bit of reminder to help guide us in a positive direction. I created this list equally for both you and me in hopes it inspires some new habits of self-reflection. By incorporating these examples into your daily life, you can actively practice shaping your journey toward success.

10 Practical Steps to Boost Happiness

Happy woman in green shirt smiling at camera.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Your sense of well-being can be affected by some very simple things.