
All Kids Need to Believe This About Themselves – Superkids Manifesto

Join the Superkids Movement with Me!

Can you imagine (or perhaps remember) spending your entire childhood misunderstood and constantly being called things like “picky” “difficult” “messy” or “stubborn”? Or maybe you have a child who could easily fall into one of these labels. I know I do.

What if that child instead of growing up feeling like they're a problem, was able to grow up believing in themselves as a problem solver? What if they could see the unique strengths they bring to your family and really let those strengths shine? And what if, by celebrating and building on those strengths the world received gifts from this child that might never have been seen otherwise?


This is what the Superkids Movement is about. Bounceback Parenting is an enthusiastic partner in the Superkids Movement – and once you read the Superkids Manifesto, I think you'll see why.

All kids should believe this about themselves!

Do you have a Superkid?

When you read that, doesn't it feel like a breath of fresh air? This is what we need to instill in our kids, and I am thrilled that my friend Dayna Abraham is releasing a brand new book I've endorsed (yup, you'll see my name in a blurb on the back cover – that's how much I believe in this book.)

*Scroll to the bottom of this post to learn about a fantastic Bonus Pack you can get when you order before August 15th.*

Dayna sent me a copy to review and when I wrote her back, here's how I started the email:

Dayna, I got a lump in my throat as began reading your book. To be treated with such respect and the expectation that kids want to do well is such a gift. I wish I had had such understanding when I was a kid.

Couldn't we ALL use the understanding that, dangit, we are trying the best we can. One of our core values as Bounceback Parents is to see our kids from a strength based perspective, and that's what Dayna helps us do in this book.

In the Superkids Activity Guide to Conquering Every Day Dayna helps kids problem solve everyday situations that may be a struggle for them. She gives them tools, insight and support for having a smooth morning, making it through mealtime in peace, communicating with their family and more.

She says, “By the end of this book, you will help the world will discover your child as a super LISTENER, a super SON/DAUGHTER, a super STUDENT, a super FRIEND and, most of all… they will see themselves as SUPER!”

Dayna bridges the gap between kids and the adults who love them by empowering kids to be their own problem solvers, and helping adults understand why their kids do the things they do.

Here is my review of the book:

Finally – a path to understanding instead of arguing! With this guide, “difficult” “disorganized” or “moody” kids are empowered to cast off those labels and instead embrace and build upon their strengths. Using humor, creativity and respect Dayna empowers kids to be capable, problem-solving Superkids.

The activities in this book help readers develop the kinds of self-care and organization skills we all need to make our days run smoother. Best of all, with the “Train Your Adult” tips throughout the book, the whole family will be able to communicate and understand  each other better. 

Join the Superkids Movement today! Best of all, if you order your copy of the The Superkids Activity Guide to Conquering Every Day NOW you can get a bonus worth over $50.

Just go here and PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY OF THE SUPERKIDS ACTIVITY GUIDE TO CONQUERING EVERY DAY TODAY and then forward your receipt to preorder@superkidsguide.com to redeem.

Here’s what you need to redeem your Awesome Bonus Pack:

PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY OF THE SUPERKIDS ACTIVITY GUIDE TO CONQUERING EVERY DAY TODAY from the online retailer of your choice and then forward your receipt to preorder @ superkidsguide.com.

Please SHARE this post so more kids can become empowered Superkids!

Superkids Manifesto - start seeing your kid in a positive new way!

Alissa Zorn stands near a pond with an orange shirt on wearing a black button down over that.
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Alissa Zorn is an author, and founder of the website Overthought This. She's a coach and cartoonist passionate about helping people overcome perfectionism and shame to build authentic, joyful lives. Alissa is certified through the International Coach Federation and got her Trauma-Informed Coaching certification from Moving the Human Spirit. She wrote Bounceback Parenting: A Field Guide for Creating Connection, Not Perfection, and is always following curiosity to find her next creative endeavor.