a spider in the moonlight on a tree branch.

12 Fascinating Facts About Spiders

For many, spiders evoke a sense of unease, perhaps mixed with fascination and fear. They inhabit all corners of our planet and even the dusty basements in our homes. Spiders are shrouded in myths and misunderstandings. And let’s face it, nothing strikes fear into the mind like the unknown. But spiders aren't just a creepy crawling nightmare; they're an intricate asset to the environment, and they play pivotal roles in balancing the ecosystem. 

This apprehension not only distances us from appreciating their ecological importance but also obscures the remarkable attributes that set spiders apart in the animal kingdom. The truths behind these misunderstood creatures can demystify their existence and highlight their contributions to our world.

Join us on this educational exploration into the extraordinary world of spiders, with their fascinating life cycles, unique survival strategies, and unparalleled engineering feats. As architects of some of nature's most intricate designs, spiders offer a window into the resilience and creativity inherent in the natural world.

Diversity in Numbers

a jumping spider waving with front legs up.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Did you know there are over 45,000 known species of spiders? Found on every continent except Antarctica, these arachnids come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. From the minuscule Patu Digua to the impressive Goliath bird-eater, spiders display remarkable diversity.

Silk Mastery

A spider weaving its web.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Spiders are famed for their silk-producing abilities, which are natural fibers made of protein. This incredible material is not only used for web construction but also for creating egg sacs, draglines, and even parachutes for spiderlings. The silk's strength and elasticity make it one of nature's most remarkable engineering feats.

Venomous Wonders

A black widow on her web
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

There is some debate about whether all spiders have venom. However, according to the Australian site Spidentify, while most spiders have venom, “…the overwhelming majority are considered harmless to humans as the venom usually only affects invertebrates. A group of small spiders in the family Uloboridae lack venom glands completely, so they are the only non-venomous spiders.”

It's important to understand the difference between venom and poison. While certain spiders are poisonous to humans, not all of them possess venom that can harm us. Spiders use venom for both defensive and predatory purposes. For instance, the black widow spider has powerful toxins that help it subdue prey.

Hydraulic Movement

a jumping spider looking straight at the camera.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Spiders have eight legs and move them in pairs. Four pairs of legs synchronize their movements. Spiders use a hydraulic spring-like action to regulate the pressure of fluid, which helps them move their legs. Smaller spiders, weighing less than 3g, can move solely by relying on the hydraulic system. However, larger spiders use a combination of muscle contraction and hydraulics to create motion. 

By regulating the pressure of fluid within their bodies, spiders can make precise movements and execute stunning acrobatics.

Multiple Eyes

a jumping spiders up close shot of eyes.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Most spiders have eight eyes arranged in various patterns, but some have fewer. Despite having multiple eyes, some spiders, like the famous tarantula, have relatively poor vision. Rather, a spider's eyes are specialized for different purposes, such as detecting motion, light, and darkness. 

Masterful Mimicry

a spider mimicking an ant.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Some spiders have mastered the art of mimicry to deceive predators and prey alike. The bird-dropping spider, for instance, camouflages itself as avian droppings, while others imitate ants to infiltrate colonies and capture unsuspecting insects.

Silent Hunters

a trapdoor spider building its nest.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Many spiders employ stealthy hunting techniques. Wolf spiders, for example, actively stalk their prey, while trapdoor spiders construct concealed burrows with hinged lids, patiently waiting for unsuspecting victims to pass by.

Molting Magic

A spider shedding its skin in the molting process.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Spiders don't have an external skeleton like insects. Instead, they molt, shedding their exoskeletons to allow for growth. This process is crucial for their development, allowing them to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Prolific Predators

A spider web with morning dew on it
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Spiders are nature's pest control, preying on insects that could otherwise become agricultural pests. One spider can consume a significant number of insects, playing a vital role in maintaining ecological balance.

Acrobatic Wonders

a cute jumping spider macro shot.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Meet the jumping spider, a remarkable arachnid known for its incredible agility and distinctive hunting techniques. These tiny athletes belong to the Salticidae family and are recognized for their keen eyesight, unique courtship rituals, and, of course, their impressive jumping abilities.

In fact, some studies show that Salticidae spiders can leap up to 6.3 inches, while other sources report an average movement ability of 20 to 30 times their body length.

To learn more about these acrobatic arachnids, you can read this full guide here: Your comprehensive guide to owning a jumping spider pet.

Smallest Spiders

A female jumping spider (Phidippus regius) crawling on a dry leaf. Autumn warm colors, macro, sharp details. Beautiful huge eyes are looking at the camera.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

The world record holder for smallest spiders was mentioned earlier, the Patu Digua. According to the Guinness World Records, this species of spider holds the title for being the absolute smallest, with male Patu Digua spiders measuring .014 inches in body length.

Note: The picture isn't that of an actual Patu Digua, but rather a small jumping spider. As one can imagine, getting a good photo of a tiny spider isn't the easiest to accomplish.

Largest Spiders

a Goliath Birdeater spider.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

After learning about the smallest spiders, we became curious about the largest spider in the world. The Goliath Birdeater spider is the biggest spider in the world, and it lives in the dense rainforests of South America. Despite its name, the Goliath Birdeater doesn't eat birds often, and it usually burrows underground. According to Discover Magazine, the Goliath Birdeater's diet mainly consists of worms and beetles, but it can eat larger prey such as rodents, snakes, and small amphibians if it's available. The spider's size is impressive, as it can grow up to 11 inches across, with a body weight comparable to a small puppy. Although its bite and barbed hairs can cause discomfort, this spider is not a significant threat to humans. Interestingly, in some parts of South America, people consider the Goliath Birdeater a delicacy, offering a unique twist to the predator-prey dynamic.

More Interesting Animal Facts – Crows vs Ravens

Two crows resting on log.
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

These clever birds show off their intelligence with their interesting antics, making it so almost everyone has a story about them.